Embedding nursing expertise in artificial intelligence -based health technology development

PURPOSE of activity

We aim to identify the role nursing expertise plays in the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) -based health technologies and to determine how to embed nursing expertise in AI-based health technologies. The project will consider ethical, legal and social implications. Our overall aim is to improve care equity, patient safety and experience, as well as reduce health care costs by engaging nursing expertise in the development of these technologies.

We will hold a workshop (13-15 November, 2024) at the Brocher Foundation in Hermance, Switzerland. This workshop will bring together international leaders in nursing, health informatics and AI to deepen the discussion on the ethical, legal and social implications of AI-based health technologies in healthcare from the nursing perspective. This workshop is organised by the NAIL collaborative leadership group to bring together a like-minded individuals from more than 10 countries with a strong record of working together and producing influential reports, important for nursing and health informatics.


Oleg Agafonov is a principal researcher at DNV's R&D department, Healthcare program, where he addresses the data-sharing and infrastructure needs, legal and regulatory challenges, and gaps in trust that prevent the implementation of data-driven approaches, AI tools, and precision medicine in healthcare. He holds a Ph.D. in computational biology from the University of Stavanger and has experience in genomics data analysis from Oslo University Hospital, where he worked on cancer research projects.

Dr. Aleksandar Babic is a Principal Researcher at the Healthcare Programme, Group Research and Development of DNV in Høvik, Norway. He obtained his Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Oslo, Norway in 2019, and his M.S. degrees in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering from the University of Belgrade, Serbia in 2012 and 1999 respectively. With over two decades of industrial R&D experience, Dr. Babic has worked on various projects such as machine vision for 3D cameras, and image fusion and deep learning for the applications of cardiac ultrasound. His research interests focus on the challenges associated with the implementation of AI in healthcare, including developmental and regulatory aspects, trustworthy and explainable AI, data quality and access, privacy, and algorithm development and robustness.

Ana Beduschi is a Full Professor of Law at the University of Exeter, specialising in international human rights law, technology, and international migration and refugee law. She is currently the Director of the Research Centre for Science, Culture and the Law at the University of Exeter Law School. Ana has held Visiting Research Fellowships at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg and the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights (University of Geneva). She earned her PhD in Law from the University of Montpellier in 2011. She was admitted to the Bar as an Attorney-at-Law in São Paulo, Brazil, in 2001.

 Dr Dari Alhuwail is an Associate Professor at the Information Sciences Department in the College of Life Sciences, Kuwait University and an Adjunct Faculty member at the College of Medicine at the University of Dundee, supervising graduate students in health informatics. He also is the co-founder of the Kuwait Health Informatics Network and a member of the Kuwait Health Informatics Association. He also is a Health Informatics Consultant, Data Security Officer, and a member of the Data Governance Council at Dasman Diabetes Institute. He served as a member of the Digital Health Technical Advisory Group at the World Health Organization. Dr. Alhuwail obtained his Ph.D. in Information Systems with a specializing in Health Informatics from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County and an MSc from the University of Arizona. He has over 15 years of working experience in industry and in various labs around the world.

Nick Hardiker is a Registered Nurse with Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral degrees in Computer Science. He has over 30 years' experience of theoretical and applied research in Digital Health with a particular focus on electronic health records and standardised terminologies. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing, and the American College of Medical Informatics, and was the recipient of the 2017 AMIA Virginia K. Saba Informatics Award. Now working independently, Dr. Hardiker is former Dean and Professor of Nursing and Health Informatics at the University of Huddersfield, UK, and is currently Chair Elect of the IMIA NI Board.

Alain Junger is an Educated Nurse in Belgium, he worked in France, Germany, and Switzerland. CNIO at the University Hospital of Lausanne, He developed a global concept of Nursing information system. His work started in 1997 with the Swiss NMDS. His work focuses on developing the conditions required for optimal data reuse to create knowledge from nursing clinical data. Process modeling, semantic modeling and care concept modeling are all areas in which Artificial Intelligence can now be applied in clinical practice. Our current concern is to reduce the workload induced by the electronic file and to enhance the value of nursing activity. Usability, care load calculations, score entry, etc. are all areas in which automatic data processing can be developed to reduce data entry time for nurses.

Dr. James Mitchell is an Assistant Professor in the Centre for Health AI’s Department of Biomedical Informatics at the University of Colorado. His research focuses on human-computer interaction (HCI) and user-centered (UCD) for clinical information delivery and clinical decision support systems (CDS). Studies involve collaboration with the UK National Health Service (NHS), Keele University, Stanford University, the University of Utah, and the IMIA students and emerging professionals group. Dr Mitchell received my M.Sc. and Ph.D. from Keele University in the UK. Prior to his M.Sc. and Ph.D., he worked in various roles at Apple Inc, specifically in leadership and technical areas. He has a background in computer science and specific training in mobile application development and user-centered research studies.

Lars Lindsköld, Med.Dr.  As a deeply passionate nurse specializing in digitalization and data management within the healthcare sector, I strive to contribute my experiences gained from a career immersed in the world of binary codes. In this realm, numbers have now come to represent words that form meaningful sentences (Semantics), often balancing sterile computation with the human connections that imbue life with meaning. My professional goal is to make a substantial contribution to the advancements in digital healthcare, the usage of Artificial Intelligence for prevention and prediction, and ensuring efficient, patient-centered, and technologically sophisticated care where narratives hold as much value as data points. Places where I spent some time: Institution member officer, EFMI. Board member SFMI. Senior adviser AI Sweden, Board Centre for Transdisciplinary AI, Umeå University, Senior Adviser SciLifeLab Data Center.

Molly K. McCarthy MBA, BSN, RN-NI is a seasoned executive harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and technology to positively transform health. She is passionate about uniting technology, clinicians, and patients to improve care delivery, safety, and outcomes. Molly is currently a health technology advisor and strategist to several companies, including early stage start-ups to global organizations. Molly recently left her role as the Global GTM (Go-To-Market) Excellence Leader for Enterprise Informatics at Philips to pursue advisory and investment work full-time. Prior to Philips, Molly spent ten years with Microsoft, as the US Chief Nursing Officer and team leader of industry clinical and technical subject matter experts. Her Microsoft team was charged with helping health providers and health plans transform with digital technology innovation–most notably cloud and AI adoption. 

Molly graduated with a B.S. in Nursing from Georgetown University and worked clinically as a bedside registered NICU and pediatric nurse, as well as the Pediatric Kidney Transplant Team Coordinator at Stanford Children’s. After finishing her MBA with a focus in strategic marketing, she transitioned from a clinical role into a product marketing role at Natus Medical in Silicon Valley. She furthered her career in product design and “concept to launch” with AWHONN where she was responsible for piloting a benchmark database that extracted data from hospital labor and delivery EMRs to provide data analytics and intelligence to hospital leadership. Immediately prior to joining Microsoft, she worked for Philips’ Patient Care and Clinical Informatics Division, where she orchestrated large health system integrations of physiologic patient monitoring networks into hospital EMRs.

Prof. Christoph A. Meier is an internist and endocrinologist who has been actively involved in shaping the Swiss health care system by chairing the Swiss HTA Expert Board (until 2021), serving in the National Quality Commission (2021-2023) and introducing PROMs as a strategic concept during his time as CMO at the University Hospital Basel, Switzerland (2016-2020). Currently, he is Director of the Department of Internal Medicine at the University Hospital Zurich. C.A. Meier received his M.D. from the University of Basel, Switzerland and completed his clinical training at the University Hospital Geneva, the National Institutes of Health and the Massachusetts General Hospital.

Dr. Milagros Miceli is a sociologist and computer scientist. She leads the research group “Data, Algorithmic Systems, and Ethics” at the Weizenbaum Institute in Berlin, and works as a researcher with the Distributed AI Research Institute (DAIR). Dr. Miceli’s research is focused on labor conditions and power asymmetries in outsourced data work, examining their impact on machine learning datasets.Through ethnographic fieldwork, interviews, and workshops, she actively engages communities of precarized data workers from the Majority World.

Rune Nyrup is associate professor at the Centre for Science Studies at Aarhus University, Denmark. A philosopher of science and technology, his research focuses on issues in the ethics and epistemology of artificial intelligence and related digital technologies. He has published on topics such as digital ageism, explainable machine learning, clinical reasoning and the role of principles in AI ethics guidelines. Before moving to Aarhus, he worked as a research fellow at the Centre for the Future of Intelligence in Cambridge. He holds a PhD from Durham University, an MPhil from Cambridge, and a BA and MA from the University of Copenhagen.

Ann Kristin Rotegård, RN, PhD, IAHSI, is the current Chair of the International Medical Informatics Association Nursing Informatics (IMIA NI) and the Managing Director of VAR Healthcare, a digital service offering knowledge-, process- and decision support. VAR technological platform is designed to be integrated into any information- and quality support systems as well as learning platforms.

Ann Kristin is committed to promoting quality and continuity in nursing and nursing documentation and has long experience in nursing informatics. Amongst other she had an active role in the translation and development of nursing terminologies (NOC and ICNP) and contributed to several research articles and book chapters.

Gregor Štiglic is a Professor and Head of the Research Institute at the University of Maribor Faculty of Health Science. Since 2014, he has been working as the Vice Dean for Research at the same faculty, where he coordinates research work of different research groups. Gregor has been working on projects that use artificial intelligence to improve healthcare since 2003.

He is a board member of the Artificial Intelligence and Medicine in Europe (AIME) association, the Slovenian Society for Medical Informatics (SDMI), and the Slovenian AI Society (SLAIS). He is also a member of ELLIS Society (European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems) and an Honorary Fellow at the Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh.

Gregor serves as Associate Editor at Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (Elsevier) and Big Data (Mary Ann Liebert) journals, as well as an editorial board member at BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making (Nature Springer), PloS ONE (Public Library of Science), Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research (Nature Springer) and BMC Digital Health (Nature Springer).

Patrick Weber. RN, MA, FIAHSI, FGBHI, FEFMI IMIANI is the director of Nice Computing SA since 1991. Prior to creating Nice Computing SA, he held several positions in nursing including being the Director of Nursing in various hospitals. Over the years, the company has provided administration for the European Federation of Medical Informatics (EFMI) and was the Legal Entity for a European funded project called CrowdHealth, FAIR4Health, Hosmart AI, OneAquaHealth, Medsecurance and Insafedare. Throughout his career, Patrick has served as a leader in several professional organizations. He guided the establishment of the Swiss Nursing Informatics Society and took on the role as the representative to IMIA-NI. For IMIA NI he served as Vice Chair for Communications, and Administration and Finance. In addition, Patrick was also the Chair of NI2016 in Geneva. He has also served in major leadership roles in EFMI, including Treasurer, Vice president, President and Past President. He also served as the Vice President and President (1999-2017) of EFMI NI (Nursing Informatics); and in IMIA, he served as Vice President for Europe and Vice President for Medinfo 2019. He currently is the IMIA liaison Officer at WHO.

Thomas Wiegand is a professor in the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Technical University of Berlin and is jointly heading the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute, Berlin, Germany. He received the Dipl.-Ing. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, Germany, in 1995 and the Dr.-Ing. degree from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, in 2000. As a student, he was a Visiting Researcher at Kobe University, Japan, the University of California at Santa Barbara and Stanford University, USA, where he also returned as a visiting professor. Since 1995, he has been an active participant in standardization for multimedia with many successful submissions to ITU-T and ISO/IEC. He received numerous awards for his reaseach an publications. Since 2014, Thomson Reuters named him in their list of “The World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds” as one of the most cited researchers in his field. He has been elected to the German National Acdemy of Engineering (Acatech) and the National Academy of Science (Leopoldina). From 2018-2023, he has been the chair of the ITU/WHO Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence for Health.